Voyage 🛳️
Learning Principles
Set up a set of personal comfortable coding preferences and environment
Develop personal meaningful projects and features while learning new skills
Do not learn coding by simply going through programming courses
Languages and Libraries
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, D3.js, Riot.js, Scratch, Python, R, C
GitHub, Atom, VS Code, CodePen, Spyder, Firebase and no-code tools 😂
Cases Studies 🗄️
Coding Projects 🐱💻
Natural Language Processing & Text Data Mining
Generate text topic models to analyze large text data set or prepare an AI
#R #topicmodels #tidytext #textstem #nlp #textmining #AI
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Heatmaps
Visualize the mtcars dataset by using hierarchical cluster analysis and heatmap
#R #ggplot2 #ComplexHeatmap #mtcars
U.S. Adult Education Level Data Visualization
A website showing adult education level through D3.js library in visualizing USA map
#education #states #visual #choropleth #map #JSON #data #topojson #geojson #geoPath()
A simple to-do list for people and teams that organize, plan, and collaborate on tasks and projects
#practice #simple #modern #cyber #style #edit #cancel #JavaScript
A simple converter between grams, kilograms, and ounces
#practice #simple #exercise #converter #caculator #number #JavaScript